Cop Rader for Roleplay

I was in my friends car the other day and noticed he had a cop radar.. I thought to myself, hmm. I wish I could put this into my RP

See I would but im not the best at scripting. In fact I cant script using Pawno..

So, If anyone would be able to generate a code that my users can use to detect police..

I would like for the users to beable to buy it at a 24/7 and use the commands /cron and /croff (Cop Radar on/off) And I wants it to be able to show something like little blue dots on the gps in the left bottom corner and if your REALLY good at scripting I would like for words up in the top to appear as COP DETECTED every time a cop is show on radar.. Thanks so much for people who are considering to do this and I will owe you one!

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