SA-MP 0.3c Exception At Address: 0x004F02D3

SA-MP 0.3c
Exception At Address: 0x004F02D3

EAX: 0x0000002A   EBX: 0x00B60000   ECX: 0x00000000   EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x00B62CB0   EDI: 0x00B64D3C   EBP: 0x00000000   ESP: 0x0022FD8C
EFLAGS: 0x00210213

+0000: 0xFFFFFFFA   0x00B6BC90   0x77D50554   0x00000000
+0010: 0x0000002A   0x00B6B53E   0x000000E5   0x00000000
+0020: 0x00000092   0x0000259C   0x00000014   0x3F800000
+0030: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00507899   0x0000001A
+0040: 0x07AA7281   0x0053E990   0x00000001   0x7C90E10E
+0050: 0x7C80A42B   0x0053ECC2   0x00000001   0x00619B71
+0060: 0x0000001A   0x00000001   0x00000001   0x0000000A
+0070: 0x00748DF0   0x0000001A   0x00000001   0x7C80B529
+0080: 0x00000000   0x0022FFC0   0x7FFDC000   0x01250000
+0090: 0x422B62FA   0x03120048   0x00000008   0x00000100
+00A0: 0x00000008   0x00000102   0x43C80000   0x43960000
+00B0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000320   0x00000258
+00C0: 0x00000000   0x002DC6D4   0x000701BC   0x00000200
+00D0: 0x00000000   0x012C0191   0x00EA394D   0x00000191
+00E0: 0x0000012C   0x0000002C   0x00000000   0x7FFDC000
+00F0: 0x0022FFB0   0x00825EE4   0x00887E20   0xFFFFFFFF
+0100: 0x0022FE70   0x00835382   0x00000065   0x0022FFC0
+0110: 0x00824731   0x00400000   0x00000000   0x01582380
+0120: 0x0000000A   0x00000094   0x00000005   0x00000001
+0130: 0x00000A28   0x00000002   0x76726553   0x20656369
+0140: 0x6B636150   0x00003220   0x80544A47   0xB43DBBDC
+0150: 0x806E43BB   0x883A53D8   0x806E4F63   0x00000000
+0160: 0xB43DBC88   0x806E4106   0xFFDFF500   0x000000E1
+0170: 0xB43DBC88   0x806E43BB   0xBADB0D00   0x00000001
+0180: 0x883A53D8   0xFFDFF120   0x883A5574   0x80502B39
+0190: 0x883A5448   0x883A53D8   0x883A53D8   0x89B65880
+01A0: 0xFFDFF540   0x80544B4C   0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000202
+01B0: 0x80544A47   0x008245C8   0x00000000   0x0012E40C
+01C0: 0x7FFDC000   0xC0000094   0xB43DBCEC   0x01582380
+01D0: 0x00000044   0x015846F8   0x01584708   0x01584720
+01E0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+01F0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0200: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0xFFFFFFFF   0xFFFFFFFF
+0210: 0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x0022FEB0
+0220: 0x0022F9B8   0x0022FFE0   0x00825EE4   0x00888078
+0230: 0x00000000   0x0022FFF0   0x7C816D4F   0x00000000
+0240: 0x0012E40C   0x7FFDC000   0x8054A6ED   0x0022FFC8
+0250: 0x883A53D8   0xFFFFFFFF   0x7C8399F3   0x7C816D58
+0260: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x008245B0
+0270: 0x00000000   0x78746341   0x00000020   0x00000001

SCM Op: 0x6BD, lDbg: 0

Game Version: EU 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
P0 (0,0) P1 (0,0) P2 (160,140) P3 (160,0)
P4 (45,0) P5 (160,0) P6 (160,0) P7 (0,0)
P8 (160,0) P9 (160,0) P10 (156,0) P12 (160,0) P13 (160,0) P14 (0,0) P15 (160,0)
P16 (160,0) P17 (160,0) P18 (45,0) P19 (160,0)
P21 (160,0) P22 (0,0) P23 (160,0)
P25 (160,0) P26 (0,0) P27 (0,0)
P29 (160,0)
Some people keep crashing in my server. What is wrong?
I can't find any problems in my script. It runs fine for me. Once a day or 2 maybe a crash, but I think that is normal.

If you have mods installed into the server or the server's mapped badly, thats probably why. Or it could be them.

Seriously, my maps are fine, because I don't crash. And how could you install mods on your server..


bump.......... I have read somewhere that if 2 vehicles spawn at the same time at the same location, that you will crash. Well none of my vehicles are at the same locations.. Could it be my streamer? Incongnitos... REL plugin.

begin code: 0x004 has to do with this.

I read the code and I think what's going on,
Here's the reasons why
1. Running more than 13 gamemodes
2. like you said you might have some cars spawned in the same places
3. You might have lots of stuff running on your computer

1. no
2. Maybe it is the streamer, maybe the streamer things the guy lags and spawns 2 vehicles instead of 1. Don't know. But incongnitos streamer is the best (they said).
3. Well I dont crash (really sometimes), but others do.

Please Kalcor or someone else, please tell me...

bump bump bumpbump bump bump
bump bump bump

god damn... please someone.

Originally Posted by timothyinthehouse
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2. Maybe it is the streamer, maybe the streamer things the guy lags and spawns 2 vehicles instead of 1. Don't know. But incongnitos streamer is the best (they said).
incongnitos streamer doesn't stream vehicles, but i know Double-O-Seven has a vehicle streamer, Are you using a vehicle streamer ?

Nope i dont

BUMP.... Still happening to my server.

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