Does Anyone Wanna Make a Free Roam With Me?

Does Anyone Wanna Make a Free Roam With Me?

Hey guys my name is Chris And im a pretty Experienced Scripter, Well I've learned the basic and out of a scale of 10 i know about 7 1/2. Well I Want To Make An Free-roam Gamemode With 1 Other Person And its going to be a great fun project. No i am not paying, i am throwing it out there for someone to come and do this with me. I think this will be a really fun project and its a great way for me to get really good at scripting with Pawno.

***************A Little Background Of Me**********************

Well, I am a very interesting in the scripting world and here are some programs ive scripted with.

-Visual Basic 2008
-Visual Basic 2010
I Do A lot More Than Just Scripting. I Like To Map Sometime But Not all The Time So Thats Were I Would Like To Have Someone Be Doing Along With Scripting.
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I Am On Everyday And i enjoy what i do. Here Are The Benefits OF Helping Me.

-Co Owner= Highest Admin Level, Makes Decisions
- Have Word In What To Be Done In The Server
-Plenty More.
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If You Are Interested In Partaken in this please either Shoot me a message or add me on Windows Live Messenger at Thanks

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