01.07.2011, 23:33
stock CreatePickupWith3DText(model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Virtualworld, text[])
CreatePickup( 1318, 1, 1825.503051, -1538.151855, 13.546875, 0 ); // hej hej
Create3DTextLabel( Vip Garage, 0xFFFFFFFF, X, Y, Z+0.75, 40.0, 0 );
return 1;
Why are the no Text
CreatePickup( 1318, 1, 1825.503051, -1538.151855, 13.546875, 0 ); // hej hej
Create3DTextLabel( Vip Garage, 0xFFFFFFFF, X, Y, Z+0.75, 40.0, 0 );
return 1;
Why are the no Text