Server ffs filterscript problem. Please help

Okay I ive uploaded all my stuff needed for my server to server ffs. Everything works apart from the filterscripts. I have uploaded them, however when I go onto the configuration page, I scroll down and it says that no filterscripts have been uploaded. Please help me with this as filterscripts are a big part of my server. Thanks in advance

Make sure you have uploaded them correctly, and make sure the file directory is "filterscripts", good luck.

They are all uploaded correctly with .amx and .pwn files for each. They're also in a directory called 'filterscripts'. Its all done correctly, but its like the configuration just does not recognise them. Please help!!!!

Nevermind, I made the most silly error. When I named the folder, I put 'filterscrips' instead of 'filterscripts' LOL. Thanks for your help anyway.

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