MW3 To Be Monthly Subscription


Activision is to introduce a subscription component with Modern Warfare 3 which goes under the name of Call of Duty Elite.

This news was leaked to the Wall Street Journal, which detailed the company’s plans in an article here.

Call of Duty Elite will be a monthly subscription service that provides the paying MW3 player with extra content which can’t be gotten elsewhere, including downloadable map packs.

There’ll also be analytical tools available which the WSJ compares to stock-trading websites that give detailed data on a player’s performance within the game, their most successfully used weapons and so forth.

The subscription price hasn’t yet been set in stone, although the report says it will be less than $7.99, so we’d imagine perhaps $5 per month, or quite possibly slightly cheaper than that.

Players will still be able to partake of Modern Warfare 3 and compete online without an Elite subscription, but exactly what the premium package will offer is doubtless a point of concern for many.

If it’s just DLC maps and in-depth stats, no-one’s going to be too worried, but there’s always the possibility weapons or something else along the lines of a competitive edge could be offered. Which would really upset the ammo cart.

Perhaps Activision will do nothing too controversial yet, but the company plans to take this service forward to future Call of Duty games. And it could be that step-by-step, new features are introduced which begin to make the premium service more than a tempter sporting some extra bits and pieces.

On the whole it’s a somewhat ominous move, but we guess when you have a giant cash cow, you’re going to milk it. Exactly how hard Activision will squeeze, only the future will tell.

Source -

I think this will END CoD as it is (got my pre-order back from today), roll on Battlefield.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Once Bought and you have the CD's its free to play
Call of Duty Elite Free to use With the Option to pay for better features.


MW3 totally sucks, goes for all new-cod-games. You'd be pretty stupid paying a monthly fee to get some extra stuff on a sucky game.

Battlefield, all the way!

wow i cant believe they canceled True Crime Hong Kong for this, and now they want to charge for extra stuff, bye bye COD hello battlefield

Originally Posted by playbox12
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MW3 totally sucks, goes for all new-cod-games. You'd be pretty stupid paying a monthly fee to get some extra stuff on a sucky game.

Battlefield, all the way!
How can you say the game sucks before even playing it, BEFORE EVEN SEEING IT?
Also the monthly fee has not been confirmed, i will pirate anyways.

if this is true,
i am getting Call of duty games off my list

CoD is just like Apple, they release a product basically yearly just so they don't loose interest, and of course to make more money.

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz
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CoD is just like Apple, they release a product basically yearly just so they don't loose interest, and of course to make more money.

MW3 is just MW2 with new maps and different textures. It's going to be the EXACT same thing all over again. Activision is just screwing the gaming community over by releasing a "new" $60 title every year. Yet people STILL buy it. The sooner people realize this, the better. Seriously. It's a waste of money.

Originally Posted by RayW
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MW3 is just MW2 with new maps and different textures. It's going to be the EXACT same thing all over again. Activision is just screwing the gaming community over by releasing a "new" $60 title every year. Yet people STILL buy it. The sooner people realize this, the better. Seriously. It's a waste of money.
This is the first time i've seen a mod post copypasta garbage :O.

I appreciate how people are NEVER happy with anything. When treyarch made changes with "Black ops" people cried and complained that MW2 was better (which unless we're talking about SP, i will debate about) and that they made to many changes to the tittle. Now people are saying that COD is just the same shit over and over again?? What do you guys expect from these types of games, honestly? You can really only change SO much when it comes to first person shooters (well, FPS' of THIS type of nature rather). You guys seem to HATE change, but also HATE when things stay the same lol.

I say everyone should just stop worrying and complaining, and just fucking rent MW3 and BF3 and see what they personally like better; thats what i plan on doing :P. Judging a game before its out is really dumb (that goes for both MW3 and BF3).

If MW3 is anything like MW2, i wont be partaking. I like what treyarch has done with the series, and i hope infinityward learns from them and fixes everything that was wrong with MW2. MW2 had an amazing storyline, but the MP was plagued with TONS of issues that were ignored. It would really suck seeing these issues carry over to MW3 .

Originally Posted by Kyosaur
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This is the first time i've seen a mod post copypasta garbage :O.

I appreciate how people are NEVER happy with anything. When treyarch made changes with "Black ops" people cried and complained that MW2 was better (which unless we're talking about SP, i will debate about) and that they made to many changes to the tittle. Now people are saying that COD is just the same shit over and over again?? What do you guys expect from these types of games, honestly? You can really only change SO much when it comes to first person shooters (well, FPS' of THIS type of nature rather). You guys seem to HATE change, but also HATE when things stay the same lol.

I say everyone should just stop worrying and complaining, and just fucking rent MW3 and BF3 and see what they personally like better; thats what i plan on doing :P. Judging a game before its out is really dumb (that goes for both MW3 and BF3).

If MW3 is anything like MW2, i wont be partaking. I like what treyarch has done with the series, and i hope infinityward learns from them and fixes everything that was wrong with MW2. MW2 had an amazing storyline, but the MP was plagued with TONS of issues that were ignored. It would really suck seeing these issues carry over to MW3 .
What about my post is copypasta garbage? Please clarify. I criticized a series, and you claim that I'm spewing garbage, yet later in your post you complain about how Infinity Ward is neglecting to fix major issues in MW2. Just tell me, what kind of business ethics is that? Does that not shine a bright red light in your face when the developers no longer support their product? Oh, hypocritical people. Explain your logic. Please.

Originally Posted by RayW
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What about my post is copypasta garbage? Please clarify. I criticized a series, and you claim that I'm spewing garbage, yet later in your post you complain about how Infinity Ward is neglecting to fix major issues in MW2. Just tell me, what kind of business ethics is that? Does that not shine a bright red light in your face when the developers no longer support their product? Oh, hypocritical people. Explain your logic. Please.
Ok. Everything you said regarding what you THINK MW3 is going to be is complete garbage. How can you say what a game is going be like if it isnt out, and there's hardly any information on it? Im sorry but unless you are on the development team for MW3, that is just garbage (if you must REALLY hate your job, judging from your feelings).

I stated that infinityward ignored issues, you're correct, but that was regarding a single game (NOT the entire series). MW2 was an amazing game that just had a few small issues, nothing major that renders the game unplayable. The creators had nice ideas, but just implemented them badly. If you're gonna blow off an entire series because of this you shouldn't ever play mario, sonic, donkey kong, or really any other BIG game series.

Anyways, MW2 wasnt my cup of tea, but this doesnt mean im going to quit drinking tea! COD4 was good, and im certainly going to try MW3 when it comes out (if it isnt good, i simply wont buy it).

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