L.A. Noire

I consider to buy L.A. Noire. A friend of mine says it is the greatest game he ever played cause of the graphic's and possibilities. Does anyone here have this game? And do you like it or not? Select your choice in the poll and please leave a reply

I have the game aswell, and there are quite a few aspects that are epic, and some that are less 'epic'.

The graphics are good, the details of objects and faces are phenomenal, you just shouldn't expect to play it as an GTA game, you're less free in your choices, you can drive arround, but you can't punch, shoot people randomly, you can't even grab your gun out of nothing, which is a shame. No matter how bad you fuck up during missions or cases how its called in LA Noire, you'll always follow the story automaticaly. For example, you fuck up during an interogation, and the captain in charge gets mad at you, the next case he is suddenly happy about the result from the last case.

I love it tho never played it I love it because it has the police stuff in it as Im a police lover and Im gonna be soon I just wish to play it but it is not on PC :/

well, on ******* it looks preety cool.
I'm for it

Originally Posted by -Danny-
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cause of the graphic's
People who judge games by the level of detail are simply idiots.

Anyways, the story looks great, unlike all those factory games which are just build to make money. They should port it to the PC as well in my opinion.

The game does look phenomenal!

I almost finished it and im so happy they released it :X.
Love it

LA Noire Rocks. Hopefully GTA 5 will be just that Good!

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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People who judge games by the level of detail are simply idiots.

Anyways, the story looks great, unlike all those factory games which are just build to make money. They should port it to the PC as well in my opinion.
Let's hope they don't fuck it over porting it like GTAIV

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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People who judge games by the level of detail are simply idiots.
Not always. Do you know the game Silent Hunter 5? Well, I've ever plaid Silent Hunter 1 and that quite sux xD

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