wtf is wrong with my streamer?

Ok, i made a streamer in my gm. A BASIC streamer. And it gives me an error with the stock. code:

pawn Код:
stock CreateStreamedObject(ModelID, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ)
    ObjectID++; //ObjectID
    ObjectModel[ObjectID] = ModelID; //Model
    ObjectPos[ObjectID][0] = X; //XPos
    ObjectPos[ObjectID][1] = Y; //YPos
    ObjectPos[ObjectID][2] = Z; //ZPos
    ObjectRotation[ObjectID][0] = rX; //RotationX
    ObjectRotation[ObjectID][1] = rY;//RotationY
    ObjectRotation[ObjectID][2] = rZ; //RotationZ
    ObjectDistance[ObjectID] = 100.0; //View distance
    ObjectUsed[ObjectID] = 1; //Disable/enable the object, it's starting off being enabled.
What should i do?

Ok, and the error would be >__>....

wut? dude... if ur not gonna help.. dont reply. .. but... seriously... whats wrong? Am i just stupid to not see whats wrong? idk...

Lol he is asking for the error you get.
Copy the text the compiler shows and post it here.

oooh. sorry to bother... i fixed it by copy/paste. thank you.

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