payday problem

It's about Raven's Roleplay . Dont tell me to post it on the thread,cause i searched all over and found no clue. Some guy posted a fix a while ago but it seems like he edited and deleted his post .

the payday looks like this

pawn Код:
public PayDay()
    new string[128];
    new account,interest;
    new rent = 0;
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
            if(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] > 0)
                    new bank = PlayerInfo[i][pAccount];
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "You failed to pay your debt, Jail time.");
                    GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Busted!", 2000, 1);
                    SafeSetPlayerInterior(i, 6);
                    SafeSetPlayerPos(i, 264.6288,77.5742,1001.0391);
                    PlayerInfo[i][pJailed] = 1;
                    SafeGivePlayerMoney(i, 1);
                    WantedPoints[i] = 0;
                    PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] = (bank + DebtMoney[i]);
                    DebtMoney[i] = 0;
                    PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 240;
                    TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw1[i]);
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "You are jailed for %d seconds.   Bail: Unable", PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime]);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
                new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                GetPlayerName(i, playername2, sizeof(playername2));
                account = PlayerInfo[i][pAccount];
                new key = PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey];
                if(key != 9999)
                    rent = HouseInfo[key][hRent];
                    if(strcmp(playername2, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true) == 0)
                        rent = 0;
                    else if(rent > GetPlayerMoney(i))
                        PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] = 9999;
                        SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been evicted.");
                        rent = 0;
                    HouseInfo[key][hTakings] = HouseInfo[key][hTakings]+rent;
                new tmpintrate;
                if (key != 9999 && strcmp(playername2, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true) == 0)
                    if(PlayerInfo[i][pRegularRank] > 0) { tmpintrate = intrate+4; }
                    else { tmpintrate = intrate+2; }//HouseInfo[key][hLevel]
                    if(PlayerInfo[i][pRegularRank] > 0) { tmpintrate = 3; }
                    else { tmpintrate = 1; }
                if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 5)
                    Tax += TaxValue;//Should work for every player online
                    PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= TaxValue;
                    new checks = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 5;
                    if(PlayerInfo[i][pRegularRank] > 0)
                        new bonus = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 10;
                        checks += bonus;
                    new ebill = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/10000)*(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]);
                    account += checks;
                    if(PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] > 0)
                        PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= ebill;
                        SBizzInfo[4][sbTill] += ebill;
                        ebill = 0;
                    interest = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/1000)*(tmpintrate);
                    PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] = account+interest;
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, "|___ BANK STATMENT ___|");
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Paycheck: $%d   Tax Money: -$%d", checks, TaxValue);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
                    if(PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] != 9999 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 9999)
                        format(string, sizeof(string), "  Electricity Bill: -$%d", ebill);
                        SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, string);
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Balance: $%d", account - checks);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Interest Rate: 0.%d percent",tmpintrate);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD2, string);
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Interest Gained $%d", interest);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD3, string);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, "|--------------------------------------|");
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "  New Balance: $%d", PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD5, string);
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Rent: -$%d", rent);
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD5, string);
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~PayDay~n~~w~Check paid into your account");
                    GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 1);
                    rent = 0;
                    PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] = 0;
                    PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] = 0;
                    if(FarmerVar[i] == 0)
                        FarmerPickup[i][0] = 0;
                    if(DrugFarmerVar[i] == 0)
                        DrugFarmerPickup[i][0] = 0;
                    if(SmugglerWork[i] == 0)
                        PayDaySecure[i] = 0;
                    if(PlayerInfo[i][pRegularRank] > 0)
                        PlayerInfo[i][pPayDayHad] += 1;
                        if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDayHad] >= 5)
                            PlayerInfo[i][pPayDayHad] = 0;
                    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "* You haven't played long enough to obtain a PayDay.");
    new rand = random(2500); rand += 1245;
    Jackpot += rand;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Lottery News: Our New Jackpot has been increased to $%d.", Jackpot);
    OOCOff(COLOR_WHITE, string);
    return 1;

My biggest concern is the Reputation Points ....right now when the time comes,you dont get your payday therefore no money and (the worst) no RP points !

If anyone could help me...thx in advance.

Ask in the original authors thread, that's your best bet.
Your problem may have been discussed already.

is the timer alright?

lots of ppl asked in there and got no answers ...thats why i posted .

i dont know what you mean by timer ,im a newbie scripter

i found something in that topic that says to change this -> if(key != 999) into this if(key != 9999) (in my 1st post it is changed) and it looks like it fixes the /spayday command wich gives payday with money and RP ,but i still have to see if it works in time (i couldnt wait to see if it works,had to find a quick way to fix it otherwise people will jump on my head )

can i see your "OngameModeinit" ? search there for a timer and post it here

EDIT : i finally got the chance to check if the "999" to "9999" fix works and it does

sry for posting and thx for support

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