27.03.2011, 22:35
Im not going to say anything good about it, because its really nothing special, just something i made in literally less then 2 minutes.
Paste this under "public OnGameModeInit":
Rate however you want, whether it be a flame, or a praise
Paste this under "public OnGameModeInit":
pawn Код:
CreateObject(11547, 1614.7559814453, 136.17489624023, 37.900588989258, 0, 358, 256);
CreateObject(11547, 1622.7998046875, 134.16293334961, 37.900588989258, 0, 358, 256);
CreateObject(983, 1618.1284179688, 132.62925720215, 36.078540802002, 0, 0, 76);
CreateObject(983, 1619.2072753906, 137.67082214355, 35.82116317749, 0, 0, 75.997924804688);
CreateObject(4639, 1624.7178955078, 133.62617492676, 36.847076416016, 0, 2, 76);
CreateObject(4639, 1612.7049560547, 136.47361755371, 36.873474121094, 0, 357.99951171875, 257.99792480469);
CreateObject(1263, 1624.8498535156, 130.7053527832, 38.683731079102, 0, 0, 92);
CreateObject(1263, 1612.6529541016, 139.50886535645, 38.549182891846, 0, 0, 276);
CreateObject(966, 1624.7844238281, 136.59541320801, 35.036125183105, 0, 0, 168);
CreateObject(966, 1612.2401123047, 133.60963439941, 35.504684448242, 0, 0, 347.99743652344);
CreateObject(968, 1612.2894287109, 133.61581420898, 36.338027954102, 0, 270, 348); // Toll leading to Las Venturas
CreateObject(968, 1624.5812988281, 136.62405395508, 35.838207244873, 0, 270, 167.99652099609); // Toll leading to Los Santos