22.03.2011, 17:36
Does one of you now This Script :
/movegate [up,down,left,right,forward,backward] [gateid]
/linkgatetohouse (CAN BE ADDED FOR YOUR SCRIPT!)
/rotategate [x,y,z]
/gatepass [New Password]
/gate [password] < Open/Close
/setgateopen [up,down,left,right] < Sets what way the gate will open
/setgateobject <Sets the gates object from the normal one.
I am Searching that script but i cant find it.
please help me
Thanks and greetz Justinlampy
/movegate [up,down,left,right,forward,backward] [gateid]
/linkgatetohouse (CAN BE ADDED FOR YOUR SCRIPT!)
/rotategate [x,y,z]
/gatepass [New Password]
/gate [password] < Open/Close
/setgateopen [up,down,left,right] < Sets what way the gate will open
/setgateobject <Sets the gates object from the normal one.
I am Searching that script but i cant find it.
please help me
Thanks and greetz Justinlampy