House System

Hey guys, i shearched but didn't find...

Can you someone tell me a good house system with housecar easy to instal and if possible not much bugged? If yes i will say THANKS!

Thanks anyway and please help coz it's important

Are you sure you'd searched?
There are enough in the tutorial board, which one is mine (when you copy paste you'll get alot errors xD - I don't have a copy paste tutorial (100%))

I found GarHouse...
Your one i didn't find... if you have the link please give me
BTW i wanted in FS coz it's easier and faster(i think)

Thanks anyway

Garhouse is good but if you wont use it you can see, for example Cali-Houses

I sucefull instaled GarHouse and Thanks for all!

You should of looked at tutorials and learned how to do it yourself.

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