10.06.2011, 23:27
Hello Soup here-
I have finally come to where I will explain you guys all my tricks and what I do to add these objects in, Half of you guys have been waiting for this tutorial, and the wait is over, you guys are now gonna convert objects!
Stuff your going to need for this tutorial
MED - download it here - http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=1053
Respawn's IMG: http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=2077
IMG tool: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f552-img-tool-2-0
Colision file Editer: http://www.steve-m.com/downloads/tools/colleditor2/
and Breadfish map editer: Search it on the forums.
I am gonna export an LC object. and import it into SA-MP, watch
1. Alright lets start with a clean IMG and IDE (( You should already have one... ))

2. Download the programs above
3. Open med, open a Total Conversion Dictionary, for an example, Gta united.

4. After you select a Total Conversion, goto Scene on the tabs and select one of the boxes then hit render.

5. Alright after the scene is done rendering, there should be objects showing, Click on one of them, then open IMG editer

6.Right click on the object in MED then hit Properties, and a little box should pull up

7. Once you get that pulled up, head over to the paper That says COL on it, click that

8. Go back to your IMG editer and open your img that has that object inside of it, Img's are uselly found in Model's folder or in Data/maps > map name..

9. Once you have the IMG file, search for the Col (In med Collison Object Properties) by going to Edit > find, and once you have found it, export it to a folder, if you haven't then keep going to img to img files till you find it..

10. Now find the object txd and the dff in IMG tool from your object on Med, export the 2 files into the same folder as the .col folder
11. Now close Med and img tool and open the folder where the object is...

12. Open the .col file and check and see if it has only the object name you picked it will only have the dff name, goto edit > find to find your object

13.Export it to the same folder, and call it the same name as the dff file
14. Delete the Multi-Col ( If you wanna 2 objects, do the same thing BUT, open your first col file and import the 2nd col file in there)
15. Open the img back up, Head to your custom img.

16. place the objects in. (If you have multi objects then you can import those objects in Respawn's img tool, and just drag objects in if you have alot, WARNING YOU CANNOT HAVE 2 COL FILES)

17. Rebuild it and open the CUSTOM.IDE
18. Place objs inside the IDE file, then search for the IDE in the Total Conversion Dictionary in Data/maps or in other places.. Seach for your Object name ( Dff name ) and start with the IDE number 19310, The limit is 20000, I would start with 19310 though..

19. Save the IDE, Place the following line under your IDE name and install Breadfish Map editer to place the object(s)

20. Your done!
Pic of the object ingame:

This tutorial has been made from scratch by Soupiest/Slayer101..
Can an SA-MP Moderator? also pined this? Its really an important thing in SA-MP and can be very useful in the future.
Also Guys mind post pics of your objects you converted? I just want see you guys converted objects a success
I have finally come to where I will explain you guys all my tricks and what I do to add these objects in, Half of you guys have been waiting for this tutorial, and the wait is over, you guys are now gonna convert objects!
Stuff your going to need for this tutorial
MED - download it here - http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=1053
Respawn's IMG: http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=2077
IMG tool: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f552-img-tool-2-0
Colision file Editer: http://www.steve-m.com/downloads/tools/colleditor2/
and Breadfish map editer: Search it on the forums.
I am gonna export an LC object. and import it into SA-MP, watch

1. Alright lets start with a clean IMG and IDE (( You should already have one... ))

2. Download the programs above
3. Open med, open a Total Conversion Dictionary, for an example, Gta united.

4. After you select a Total Conversion, goto Scene on the tabs and select one of the boxes then hit render.

5. Alright after the scene is done rendering, there should be objects showing, Click on one of them, then open IMG editer

6.Right click on the object in MED then hit Properties, and a little box should pull up

7. Once you get that pulled up, head over to the paper That says COL on it, click that

8. Go back to your IMG editer and open your img that has that object inside of it, Img's are uselly found in Model's folder or in Data/maps > map name..

9. Once you have the IMG file, search for the Col (In med Collison Object Properties) by going to Edit > find, and once you have found it, export it to a folder, if you haven't then keep going to img to img files till you find it..

10. Now find the object txd and the dff in IMG tool from your object on Med, export the 2 files into the same folder as the .col folder
11. Now close Med and img tool and open the folder where the object is...

12. Open the .col file and check and see if it has only the object name you picked it will only have the dff name, goto edit > find to find your object

13.Export it to the same folder, and call it the same name as the dff file
14. Delete the Multi-Col ( If you wanna 2 objects, do the same thing BUT, open your first col file and import the 2nd col file in there)
15. Open the img back up, Head to your custom img.

16. place the objects in. (If you have multi objects then you can import those objects in Respawn's img tool, and just drag objects in if you have alot, WARNING YOU CANNOT HAVE 2 COL FILES)

17. Rebuild it and open the CUSTOM.IDE
18. Place objs inside the IDE file, then search for the IDE in the Total Conversion Dictionary in Data/maps or in other places.. Seach for your Object name ( Dff name ) and start with the IDE number 19310, The limit is 20000, I would start with 19310 though..

19. Save the IDE, Place the following line under your IDE name and install Breadfish Map editer to place the object(s)

20. Your done!
Pic of the object ingame:

This tutorial has been made from scratch by Soupiest/Slayer101..
Can an SA-MP Moderator? also pined this? Its really an important thing in SA-MP and can be very useful in the future.
Also Guys mind post pics of your objects you converted? I just want see you guys converted objects a success