please help

can anyone help me to make something which is immune when a low level does a command to a high level? example when a lvl 1 slaps a lvl 1 it will work, but a lvl 1 cant slap lvl 2??

I tried to look on many admin scripts but i cannot figure it out

here is my admin varibale
pawn Код:
and I have this funtion "MessageToAdmins" can you also help me when they do the command and it fails it will send message to admins like

"Admin %s tried slapped high admin level %s"

Add something like this to you cmds
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[THETARGET][pAdminLevel] > PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You cant do this to an Admin with higher level than you have!");

instead of sendclientmessage how can I make it work so it sends to admins? this
pawn Код:


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