26.01.2011, 17:49
hello everyone!
I have a little but a big problem with spawning, somehow sometimes player cordinates set 0,0 and he's spawning at village (country) and i have this bug about month try'ed fix it alot of varietes but nothing helped me, it's a weird because it happens sometimes and I can't understand why:
Everything looks like :
The 'klaikas' variable is jail variable it's that is player is not in the jail.
OnPlayerDisconnect i'm saving the player's information:
And the saving:
It's not full code of saving only spawn, so } is missing, don't look at that. So, i understand why it hapens.
PLEASE HELP ME! I'm in stress now, because it's bug annoying me about month i try'd to ******, to do Spawn at OnPlayerSpawn callback, tryd other variables set but nothing helps me, help me people!
I have a little but a big problem with spawning, somehow sometimes player cordinates set 0,0 and he's spawning at village (country) and i have this bug about month try'ed fix it alot of varietes but nothing helped me, it's a weird because it happens sometimes and I can't understand why:
Everything looks like :
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1; if(!pInfo[playerid][Logged]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[ > ]{FF7E7E} First you have to log in."); return 0; } if(pInfo[playerid][killed] == true) { SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 2303.7888,-1195.8857,-18.0089, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Ligoninл pInfo[playerid][killed] = false; return true; } if(playerDB[playerid][klaikas] <= 0) { new fetch[ 256 ], Float:pos[ 3 ]; format(query, 256, "SELECT * FROM `"TABLENAME"` WHERE id = '%i'", pInfo[playerid][pId]); mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result(); mysql_retrieve_row(); mysql_fetch_field_row(fetch,"pos_X"); pos[0] = floatstr(fetch); mysql_fetch_field_row(fetch,"pos_Y"); pos[1] = floatstr(fetch); mysql_fetch_field_row(fetch,"pos_Z"); pos[2] = floatstr(fetch); mysql_fetch_field_row(fetch,"Interior"); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, strval(fetch)); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), pos[ 0 ], pos[ 1 ], pos[ 2 ], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Spawn mysql_free_result(); } return 1; }
OnPlayerDisconnect i'm saving the player's information:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { SavePlayer(playerid); if(playerDB[playerid][tsaugota] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) { SaveVehicle(playerid); DestroyVehicle(playerDB[playerid][tsaugota]); } if(playerDB[playerid][tsaugota1] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) { SaveVehiclet(playerid); DestroyVehicle(playerDB[playerid][tsaugota1]); } if(playerDB[playerid][aruzdetas]) Delete3DTextLabel(atekstas[playerid]); if(playerDB[playerid][varuzdetas]) Delete3DTextLabel(vtekstas[playerid]); new Float:zHealth; GetPlayerHealth(playerid, zHealth); if(zHealth <= 0) { AC_ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); playerDB[playerid][narkotikai] = 0; SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2645.6074, 697.1324, 27.9375); } return 1; }
stock SavePlayer(playerid) { if(pInfo[playerid][Logged]) { new pName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], file [ 50 ]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); new Float:pos[ 3 ]; if(Spawned[playerid]) { GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[ 0 ],pos[ 1 ],pos[ 2 ]); format(query, 256, "UPDATE `"TABLENAME"` SET `Interior` = '%i', `pos_X` = '%f', `pos_Y` = '%f', `pos_Z` = '%f' WHERE (`id` = '%i')",\ GetPlayerInterior(playerid),pos[ 0 ],pos[ 1 ],pos[ 2 ],pInfo[playerid][pId]); mysql_query(query); }
PLEASE HELP ME! I'm in stress now, because it's bug annoying me about month i try'd to ******, to do Spawn at OnPlayerSpawn callback, tryd other variables set but nothing helps me, help me people!