Cars defaultly have paintjobs? [needs fixing]

Hey all
with my server cars that i spawn or just any other cars like sultans elegy and a few other models of cars, when you goto a mod garage and mod your car colour (Default car colour is black) to white the paintjob is then visable, anyway to fix this? (its really annoying on a RP serve :P)
thanks alot in advance

Make sure you're not setting the vehicles' paintjob to 0

lol well thats what i AM doing, what am i ment to set it to? 1(one) mayby?

Paintjobs, same as everything else starts with 0, thats why you need to set paintjob to -1, because 0-3 is paintjobs, but -1 is none

pawn Код:
new Paitnjob[MAX_VEHICLES] = { -1, ...};
So by default you set paintjob to -1, but this is just to script understand that car dont have PJ.

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