Shouldn't this work?

After a big break from scripting, I had a great start on this new script, untill this happens.
pawn Код:
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
SetVehicleNumberPlate(i, "OutStanding");
return 1;
The vehicles plate doesn't get set, but shouldn't this work?

This function is supposedly called when someone spawns a vehicle with a command in game, or so I believe.

If you want the vehicles to have the plate when the gamemode starts, try using it under OnGameModeInit() { }

I tried OnGameModeInit, it didn't work. However my friend who just logged on MSN told me to use OnVehicleStreamIn, and it worked, but thanks for your help Hiitch.

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