License plate [Help please]

Well Im working on a car system for my server I found this one to work off of, but Im wanting to add the 3d text license plate system anyone know how? please help me. <--- this is the current one im useing but im super lost on how to create a "3D Text" license plate system

Me no tinky you can do.

Dont be a troll -.- yes I can do it if I could get some help on it

All you have to do is to make a loop attatching a 3D text to a vehicle, with the proper offset float.

In n00b language please lol

Well, I do suggest using the SetVehicleNumberPlate function instead of 3d text, for you, if you are pretty new at scripting.

Use Create3DTextLabel and Attach3DTextLabeltoVehicle to attach the ID to every vehicle under OnGamemodeInit.

EDIT: or that^^ if you have 0.3C.

Well, Im not too new I'm just lost at this point, Im useing 0.3b At the moment and what Randomkid said about that\
how would I assign each car a different or custom license plate?

Upgrade to 0.3c, then adding license plates will be a lot easier, as there is a function for it.

Well the server i normaly play on is 0.3B so im waiting for them to update first :/ but please tell me more about this function

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