Dunno where to post, but I need some help

Me and my friend wanna make a server together(no homo) and he is the mapper(atleast in the plan) but when he goes to MTA map editor he can do stuff etc, but when he wants to load a project, it doesn't allow him to... Does any1 have the same problem? If this can't be fixed soon, I'd like an advice of another Map Editor program!

Thank you in advance


What doesn't allow him?
More details...

I'm sorry. What I mean by that is, when he tries to load, it simply doesn't happen anything..
No error messages I think.

You can't load a project in SA-MP, you will need to convert the text from the .map file


I think you missunderstood What I ment is, he cant load it in MTA Map Editor, it's like it's not saved or something.

No support for MTA.

He can't open his project files in MTA, you should go on the MTA forum and ask not here

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