Aiming key with no gun

Dont know if this is a bug but if you pres aiming key while you dont have any weapon (id 0) you get drunk level up and then suddenly it just stops.. i cant make video to explane it better.

0.3c R5
With rcon admin

I can't reproduce it.
Do you have a script to demonstrate it?

I got this bug too (in 0.3b) when I got busted in a cops and robbers server,while I'm in Alca int,I pressed RMB and it aims like we have guns etc....I don't have screens,because,at that time,idk it was bug or something else.

I can confirm this, happens after you aimed at someone then got your location changed and weapon set to 0.

I'll explane better:
Not a drunk level goes up but player camera gos backward and then smoothly very close to player character.
No script is needed for that, when i tested i was logged in as rcon admin, if `allowadminteleport` could be the problem then that was enabled too. I dont know what information could be more helpful.

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