Server Copied, any help ?

A time ago I published my server saying that people could use it, but not change anything, later on I removed it cause a guy changed the credits and re-published, and another guy is using it now (the one that the credits has been changed), anything I can do ?

Well if he isn't smart enough to script his own server, probably he won't manage to keep it up for long. Chances are he will get bored and close the server sooner or later. I don't think there's anything you can do unless you report theft of your intelectual property to the police.

well I did have information on top of my script to not change things, but I would have to report both, the one that re-published and the one running the server.

Two questions.
Firstly, what's so funny?
Secondly, who said anything about police?

Just because he published his code that doesn't mean he doesn't have any rights to it and one of that is that the person who is using it should give credits to the author

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