SA-MP Servers Top Talk SHOW is Up!

Hello everybody, Im proud to present that SA-MP Servers Reviews is offically opend! (( soon we will do our first interview,critism and other not funny or funny comments about servers so be prepared and get ready to see what server you should play on!

First of all visit our forum at so feel free to register, make posts,topics,advertisment of your server and more more stuff! dont be shy your free to register any time! Hope you enjoy it!

We need a logo so If you are good in GFX please PM me in our forum ;]

That's not a show. That's a website.
Also, what's critism?

Originally Posted by SaW
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That's not a show. That's a website.
Also, what's critism?
now seems like you dont understand a lot what this is all about.

Please, elaborate a bit more then.

Originally Posted by SaW
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Please, elaborate a bit more then.
I only called it Show because I wanted it to make it sound nice, basically some people dont know what server to go to if they like RP they dont know which one to choose, DM same and other GM's so basically what it does is showing players which server they should try out and saying ones they shouldnt because it could be waist of time etc. duhh

Should've just named it SA-MP server reviews?

Originally Posted by SaW
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Should've just named it SA-MP server reviews?
kinda yes but I wanted to make it sound nice.

Originally Posted by SaW
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That's not a show. That's a website.
Also, what's critism?
How come you're always so NEGATIVE in your posts? Being a smart guy / correcting people isn't something thats appreciated on the internet.

Sure, I've been negative in my last five posts and I'm sorry for that.

Originally Posted by Hudgens
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Being a smart guy / correcting people isn't something thats appreciated on the internet.
I'm trying to help him, not be a smart guy. (I'm smart though, heh.)
Now continue this in a PM.

Originally Posted by [GMS]toX
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Uhmmm... first don't take too serious its ad... second turn on TV and watch FoX , CNN , Euro News Or even Discovery
ads must make people interested in your show dude...
Grammar errors don't make people get interested, it does the opposite.
I'm sure Fox, CNN, Euro News or Discovery don't have grammar errors in their advertisements.

I'm trying to help, even if it doesn't seem like I am.

Originally Posted by SaW
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Sure, I've been negative in my last five posts and I'm sorry for that.

I'm trying to help him, not be a smart guy. (I'm smart though, heh.)
Now continue this in a PM.

Grammar errors don't make people get interested, it does the opposite.
I'm sure Fox, CNN, Euro News or Discovery don't have grammar errors in their advertisements.

I'm trying to help, even if it doesn't seem like I am.
ah you are trying to help yes ? lol then shut up with your negative ideas and do what i've done or make better if you can't then don't post your stupid compliments like a girl shit....

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