[Map] My first mapping [ Mechanic Garage/Company ]

Here is my first mapping I have ever done xD

Screenshots: Manager's Office -

Manager's Office Inside -

Manager's Office Inside #2 -

Garage #1 -

Garage #1 Inside -

Garage #2 -

Garage #2 Inside -

pawn Code:
CreateObject(12942, 1870.28125, -1847.6337890625, 12.576635360718, 0, 0, 263.99597167969);
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CreateObject(3033, 1901.3745117188, -1857.5924072266, 17.449384689331, 0, 0, 270);
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CreateObject(3803, 1872.3408203125, -1874.1190185547, 15.084075927734, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1337, 1866.23828125, -1849.220703125, 16.374322891235, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1949, 1875.4521484375, -1837.6854248047, 12.571805953979, 0, 0, 74);
CreateObject(1949, 1902.8776855469, -1845.3062744141, 12.559831619263, 0, 0, 56);
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CreateObject(1320, 1951.4658203125, -1879.4829101563, 14.041302680969, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1321, 1831.3409423828, -1889.0728759766, 13.917845726013, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(1421, 1867.373046875, -1844.9282226563, 13.347013473511, 0, 0, 260);
CreateObject(1765, 1866.9738769531, -1847.0778808594, 12.584447860718, 0, 0, 68);
CreateObject(2007, 1869.3045654297, -1874.2004394531, 12.78759765625, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(2063, 1868.6766357422, -1840.2762451172, 13.49340057373, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2164, 1871.2082519531, -1874.498046875, 12.78759765625, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(2605, 1869.7427978516, -1867.2845458984, 13.18603515625, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(1671, 1869.73828125, -1866.4411621094, 13.247812271118, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1302, 1868.962890625, -1870.5797119141, 12.78759765625, 0, 0, 86);
Please tell me what you think about it!

Cool! is your 1st map, congratz!

Seems nice, good for Roleplay servers

Very nice.

Originally Posted by Plugsttzzx
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Seems nice, good for Roleplay servers
yea thx lol that was the reason I made it xD

That's hot. 9/10

Originally Posted by -Rebel Son-
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That's hot. 9/10
lol ur serious? its my first map I thro it would be shit lol

For ur first map i must say good mapped.


Good job for your first map but you need to fill in the empty space + The door is a bit too far in

Not bad for your first map!
Most of guys have failed with their first map! Noss dont be such a "Teacher" XD
i say 8/10 (Havent tested)
Keep up the good work!

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