15.08.2009, 23:33
This map will make an improved wangcars.
Adding a file. Maps to download.
public OnGameModeInit()
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) (I have set the coordinates where the open / close.)
Adding a file. Maps to download.
new gateup; new gatedown;
CreateObject(987,-1966.622,308.782,33.447,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1966.630,308.970,40.047,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1966.632,290.871,33.672,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1966.621,291.121,40.047,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1966.577,277.769,33.770,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1966.633,277.686,40.047,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1966.631,264.968,40.047,0.0,0.0,-90.000); CreateObject(987,-1952.865,251.513,40.047,0.0,0.0,0.0); CreateObject(987,-1940.137,252.847,40.047,0.0,0.0,90.000); gateup = CreateObject(980,-1939.971,271.803,43.020,0.0,0.0,-90.000); gatedown = CreateObject(980,-1966.774,258.838,37.426,0.0,0.0,90.000);
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmd an opening ", true)==0) { if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != Enter skin.) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_, "Enter the text that appears when players will not skin you have entered."); { MoveObject(gateup, -1939.971, 264.378, 43.020,1);//open } return 1; } if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmd an closing", true)==0) { if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != Enter skin.) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_, "Enter the text that appears when players will not skin you have entered."); { MoveObject(gateup, -1966.774, 258.838, 37.426,2);//close } return 1; } if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != Enter skin.) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_, "Enter the text that appears when players will not skin you have entered."); { MoveObject(gatedown, -1966.774, 266.287, 37.425,1);//open } return 1; } if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmd an closing", true)==0) { if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != Enter skin.) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_, "Enter the text that appears when players will not skin you have entered."); { MoveObject(gatedown, -1939.971, 271.803, 43.020,2);//close } return 1; }