Please Help Me (PHM)

How do I create something like this when registering:

Well they used the shamal object, not the vehicle, so they would have used
CreatePlayerObject - creates an object that only the player can see, so the jet can start at the right time for each player
MovePlayerObject - Move an object created for a player.

And how sad this is to translate the objects:
<map edf:definitions="editor_main">
    <vehicle id="vehicle (AT-400) (1)" paintjob="3" model="577" plate="P0Z3 8EV" interior="0" dimension="0" color="1,1,0,0" posX="2168.3393554688" posY="-2493.8591308594" posZ="71.289123535156" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="90" />
    <vehicle id="vehicle (AT-400) (2)" paintjob="3" model="577" plate="VQYX RXY" interior="0" dimension="0" color="1,1,0,0" posX="1938.267578125" posY="-2493.296875" posZ="13.539123535156" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="90" />

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