Dynamic /spawncar command

Theres a server i play in that has a /spawncar command for dynamic vehicles which can be /parked and all that via admin commands, etc..

Im running Carlito's Roleplay and when i use a car spawning command for admins i can't use the in-script car admin command like /acarcolor, it returns "SERVER: Unknown Command" because the vehicles are static or something..

How can i get a /spawncar command which will allow me to use the in-script command like /acarcolor, /acarpark, /acarsetpos?..

Something that will write the cars to CRP_Scriptfiles/cars/cars.cfg. If i update the #define max vehicles to about 300 or 400, I'm not too familiar with editing dynamic scriptfiles and every time i do, its like world war 2, all over again.

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