20.09.2010, 19:30
Hi all hope this is the correct place to place this as I am new to all this,
I have managed to get my server up and running no bother and got a few handy scripts and such in ,
but my problem is that because I have LuxAdmin script in when I go to /login it just says I am already logged in but when i click spawn it just says I need to login first.
now I sorta think it could be to do with because my gamemode has a login system of some sort and the luxadmin script has 1 they could be conflicting.
So I don't know how to disable the login script in the gamemode :
here is the part I think is the login system :
I would appreciate any help I am looking to have the luxadmin script intergrated or something .
just anything to make the luxadmin work.
Kind Regards
I have managed to get my server up and running no bother and got a few handy scripts and such in ,
but my problem is that because I have LuxAdmin script in when I go to /login it just says I am already logged in but when i click spawn it just says I need to login first.
now I sorta think it could be to do with because my gamemode has a login system of some sort and the luxadmin script has 1 they could be conflicting.
So I don't know how to disable the login script in the gamemode :
here is the part I think is the login system :
dcmd_register(playerid,params[]) { new index = 0; tmps1 = strtok(params, index); GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername)); if(!strlen(tmps1)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_CMD, "* USAGE: /register [password]. This will register your nick. Don't forget your password."); return 1; } if(20 < strlen(tmps1) || strlen(tmps1) < 5) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_PW, "* Password length must be 5-20 symbols."); return 1; } else { if (!dini_Exists(udb_encode(playername))) { dini_Create(udb_encode(playername)); dini_IntSet(udb_encode(playername), "password", udb_hash(tmps1)); dini_IntSet(udb_encode(playername), "newplayer", 1); dini_Set(udb_encode(playername), "ip", PlayerIp(playerid)); format(strings, sizeof(strings), "%s --- %s (id: %d) created account. Passwordhash: %s. Ip: %s.", SystemTime,playername, playerid,udb_hash(tmps1), PlayerIp(playerid)); printf(strings); format(strings, sizeof(strings), "* Account named %s created! You can login with /login %s.", playername, tmps1); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_PM, strings); if(spawned[playerid]){ GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~ You are not logged in! type /login", 120000, 3); LoginTimeout[playerid]=60; } } else { format(strings, sizeof(strings), "* %s is already registered.", playername,tmps1); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_PW, strings); } } return 1; } dcmd_login(playerid,params[]) { new index=0; tmps1=strtok(params,index); new balance, CurVal, temp; new m, giveback, propertyID; GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername)); if(!strlen(tmps1)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_CMD, "* USAGE: /login [password]. This will log you into the server and restore your data."); } else { if (dini_Exists(udb_encode(playername))) { if (logged[playerid] == 1) { format(strings, sizeof(strings), "--- %s is already logged in.", playername); printf(strings); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_PW, "* You are already logged in."); } else { tmps2 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "password"); if (udb_hash(tmps1) != strval(tmps2)) { format(strings, sizeof(strings), "--- %s (id: %d) typed wrong password, Password with hash: %s.", playername, playerid, udb_hash(tmps1)); printf(strings); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_PW, "* Wrong password."); } else { tmps3 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "banned"); if (strlen(tmps3)){ if (strval(tmps3) == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_GW, "* Your banned from this server."); format(strings, sizeof(strings),"User has been banned from the server."); BanMsg(playerid, -1, strings); return 1; } } logged[playerid] = 1; SpawnTimeout[playerid] = 0; muted[playerid] = 0; SetTimerEx("LoginDelay", 5000, 0, "d", playerid); format(strings, sizeof(strings), "%s --- %s (id: %d) logged in. Passwordhash: %s.", SystemTime,playername, playerid, udb_hash(tmps1)); printf(strings); //TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Welcome); //SetTimerEx("DestroyTextWelcome",4000,0,"d",playerid); // GetPlayerName(playerid, nameP, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); /*new newtext[41], nameP[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, nameP, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(newtext, sizeof(newtext), "~w~Welcome Back ~n~~h~~b~%s", nameP); TextDrawSetString(NamePlayer, newtext); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, NamePlayer); SetTimerEx("DestroyTextName",4000,0,"d",playerid);*/ //GetPlayerName(playerid, nameP, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); if(adminlevel[playerid] > 2) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "* Welcome back Admin"); } if(spawned[playerid] == 1) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); SetPlayerRandomSpawn(playerid); } tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "money"); balance = strval(tmps1); if(balance <= 0) balance = PocketMoney; tmps1 = dini_Get(FILE_SETTINGS, "maxmoney"); if(balance > strval(tmps1)) balance = strval(tmps1); currentmoney[playerid] = balance; // TO-DO moneyscanner update format(moneyreason, sizeof(moneyreason), "* Money increased by $%d (old: $%d), because player-id %d connected and restored his money or got pocketmoney", balance, GetPlayerMoney(playerid), playerid); StatGivePlayerMoney(playerid, balance, moneyreason); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "bank"); bank[playerid] = strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "bounty"); bounty[playerid] = strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "jailed"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) jailed[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "jailtime"); if (strval(tmps1) != 0) jailtime[playerid] = strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "muted"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) muted[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "admin"); if (strval(tmps1) > 0) adminlevel[playerid] = strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "gamblelicence"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) gamblelicence[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "speedometer"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) speedometer[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "fuelmeteroff"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) FuelmeterOff[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "speedoon"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) speedometeron[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "autolock"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) autolock[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "protected"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) isprotected[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "fuelcan"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1){ Fuelcan[playerid] = 1; FuelcanContent[playerid] = 1; } tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "payout"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) Payout[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "owncolorchosen"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1){ OwnPlayerColorChosen[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "owncolor"); if (strlen(tmps1)){ if (strval(tmps1) < 999) OwnPlayerColor[playerid] = strval(tmps1); } } tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "ownspawn"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) OwnSpawner[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "hudcolor"); if (strval(tmps1) > 0) { HUDColor[playerid] = strval(tmps1); } else { HUDColor[playerid] = 0; } tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "forbiddentuning"); if(strval(tmps1) != 0 ) ForbiddenTuningTimes[playerid]=strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "drivebywarning"); if(strval(tmps1) != 0 ) DrivebyWarning[playerid]=strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "weaponcheatwarning"); if(strval(tmps1) != 0 ) WeaponCheatWarning[playerid]=strval(tmps1); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "regularplayer"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) RegularPlayer[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "helper"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1){ Helper[playerid] = 1; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE , "* You are marked as helper. Type /helpermenu for available commands."); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE , "* Note: you will NOT see this message again, it is only displayed upon loggin in."); } tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "newplayer"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1) NewPlayer[playerid] = 1; tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "Total Warnings"); TotalWarned[playerid] = strval( tmps1 ); for(new i=0; i<5; i++){ m=i+1; format(strings, sizeof(strings), "property%d", m); tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), strings); propertyID = strval(tmps1); if(propertyID != 0) { if((propertyID == P_ANGELMED) || (propertyID == P_ELQMED)){ MedicalOfficer[playerid]=1; } format(strings, sizeof(strings), "value%d", m); tmps2 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), strings); if (strval(tmps2) != 0) { CurVal = strval(tmps2); if(propertyOwner[propertyID] == 999){ propertyArray[playerid][i] = propertyID; propertyOwner[propertyID] = playerid; ownedtime[propertyID] = 15; propertyCurrentValue[propertyID] = CurVal; } else { giveback=CurVal; format(strings, sizeof(strings),"* You are no longer the owner of %s, you have received $%d on your bank account.", propertyNames[propertyID], CurVal); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SYSTEM_PW,strings); bank[playerid]=bank[playerid]+giveback; } } else { giveback = propertyOldValues[propertyID]; SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SYSTEM_PW,"* The property system on this server has changed. You reveice a full refund of the original propery values on your bank."); if(giveback < propertyOldValues[propertyID]){ format(strings, sizeof(strings),"* You received for %s $%d on your bank account. This is not the full 100 percent, due to a full bank account.", propertyNames[propertyID], giveback); } else { format(strings, sizeof(strings),"* You received for %s $%d on your bank account.", propertyNames[propertyID], giveback); } SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SYSTEM_PW,strings); bank[playerid]=bank[playerid]+giveback; } } } SaveProperties(playerid); for(new i=0; i<5; i++){ m=i+1; format(strings, sizeof(strings), "property%d", m); dini_IntSet(udb_encode(playername), strings, propertyArray[playerid][i]); format(strings, sizeof(strings), "value%d", m); if(propertyArray[playerid][i] != 0){ propertyID = propertyArray[playerid][i]; dini_IntSet(udb_encode(playername), strings, propertyCurrentValue[propertyID]); } else { dini_IntSet(udb_encode(playername), strings, 0); } } if(OwnPlayerColor[playerid] == 999){ SetPlayerColor(playerid, playerColors[playerid]); } else { temp=PlayerColorsChoice[OwnPlayerColor[playerid]]; SetPlayerColor(playerid, temp); } // SendDeathMessage(INVALID_PLAYER_ID, playerid, 200); if(spawned[playerid] == 1 && jailed[playerid] == 1){ SetPlayerInterior(playerid,10); SetPlayerPos(playerid,jailcelloc[jailcelcounter][0],jailcelloc[jailcelcounter][1],jailcelloc[jailcelcounter][2]); if(jailcelcounter < 3) { jailcelcounter++; } else { jailcelcounter=0; } } tmps1 = dini_Get(udb_encode(playername), "skincheck"); if (strval(tmps1) == 1){ SpawnPlayer(playerid); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dini_Int(udb_encode(playername),"skin")); } } } } else { format(strings, sizeof(strings), "* %s no such account.", playername); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYSTEM_PW, strings); } } return 1; }
just anything to make the luxadmin work.
Kind Regards