invalid function or declaration problem need help!

well i've been making my script and when I compile I get one error which I don't know how to fix. Here is the pawn code.

pawn code:

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/ak47", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > 1200)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~Here is your Ak47!", 3000, 1);
}else GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "You Havent Got Enough", 3000, 2);
}else GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Now Beat The crap outta people!", 3000, 3);
return false;
return 1;

and this is the error I get:

C:\Users\jak\Desktop\jlbw's freeroam\filterscripts\ak47.pwn(102) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

Could anyone help me please?

What line is 102 in that cmd ?

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the return 1; line

it doesn't matter now fixed it and I can't believe it was that simple!

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