CJ/Last Played Class - Spawn bug

Guys! I've searched for hours >.< Probably searching for the wrong sentances, but oh well.. :P

I started a blank script, added the stuff I wanted and all that, but still after picking new classes (player skins) CJ (or the last skin chosen before GMX, if gmx is executed) always shows as first skin, and you can't spawn.
Why is that happening? I mean, of course shouldn't it be possible to spawn as a skin not used in the script, but why does it even show up? It's annoying!


Script: (Don't be a retard and steal my code..)


NVM my eyes are fked. So is it just the CJ skin showing?

As you see, I have removed the CJ class, and added 9 additional.
The problem is that when I connect, I first see CJ (or the last class I picked if I just gmx'd), which I can't spawn with, then if I go through all classes, CJ is gone. All classes are spawnable, except CJ, which is good, since he shouldn't be there at all..

I fixed it by moving the dialogs to OnPlayerConnect. Not sure why it is doing that but if you move the dialogs it works .

Haha, it actually worked!
Thank you

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