[Info] Pawno error 'Unable to execute compiler...'

I just reformatted a system and tried to compile pawn scripts on it but had issues. I spent about an hour trying to resolve this and found the answer. I know this has come up several times and nobody really had a definite idea for how to fix it.

Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package obtainable through Microsoft's website.

I wanted to share my findings, whether some knew or not, to help out future cases.

This was found on Windows XP Professional SP3, X86. Cases for Windows Vista, Windows 7 may be similar, or completely different.

Hope this helps.

I had this issue recently, I reformatted my PC and it worked correctly. I had "Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package, but it might have been corrupt. The main thing to do is try either the 2005 version, 2008 version or Microsoft .net Framework 4.0. If all else fails, a simple computer reformat should do the trick. (after the latest updates) Anyways, I'm sure this will help some people.

I had installed .NET 4.0 (latest) and vc++ 2008 which didnt solve mine. Just thought id put it out there to help others if this came up again in the future.


Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)


and then

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

That's how i solved it for me.Win XP SP3 32-bit

i had the same problem after re-installing windows and all i did was simply delete settings.ini in the pawno folder...and wallah all fixed!

I still recieve this error sometimes, and I fix it by deleting a file which is located in C:\Users\. The name of this file is the same name as your pc account name, and it has no extension.

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