A question about vehicle limits.

Hi, I know vehicle limits are 2000 , but it's possible to spawn a vehicle in another virtual world or something like that and have 2000 in every virtual world?

I wan't to delete a vehicle without loss his ocupped VEHICLE ID.

It's posibble?

Thanks for all.

I guess the limit of 2000 counts for all worls...so all in all only 2000 vehicles..
but also I think if you spawn a vehicle with CreateVehicle and delete it with DestroyVehicle the vehicleid is free again and the next vehicle with have this id...

or not?

Thanks for respond. Maybe if I destroy the cars that i want the car ID's will be here and the next car will have his ID instead that.

mmm I will test that.

That's for the system ID, if vehicle id's changes, the server will be crazy lol.

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