24.07.2011, 12:18
Последний раз редактировалось DragonYancy; 27.07.2011 в 13:30.
DYBank System 1.0 By DragonYancy
Features- 5 Commands - /deposit, /withdraw, /balance ,/transfer ,/bankhelp
- Easy configurable script.
- Instant saving - to make sure no stats will be lost.
- User Friendly.
- My first FilterScript.
- Free!
1-Download and extract files
2-Put DYBank.pwn and DYBank.awn to your filterscripts file.
3-Put Bank file into your scriptfiles file.
4-Open Pawno-include and copy all of the files wich in Pawno-Include to your Pawno/include.
5-Open server.cfg and write DYBANK into filterscripts line.
That's It!
Will be added.