better fps then 8 or 12

my sa-mp wont go higher the8 or 12 fps and i dont know what to do and also if i try to take a screen shot it crashes the game any advice?

1st of all reinstall SAMP. That should fix the screen shot problem, unless it's a problem with the limitations of your computer.
To increase your FPS, close unnecessary programs, get a better graphics card, get more RAM,etc.

ok now i have a new one ish how do i set up my windows server?
can some ne help through team viewer?

Umm, what?
Reinstall the SAMP client, not the Windows server.
The windows server is used to host a server, not play on one.

Run your game is a lower resolution (800x600 or 640x480), turn off the frame limiter, put detail at low, lower view distance.

If people cared using ******, these wasted topics wouldn't happen!

tanks ill try thoughs

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