Project Request

Not Sure, if this is the wrong forum or Not, Though in the Forum it says Scripting Discussion.

I am looking to work for anyone who is in need of a roleplay script, free of charge and would like to create a
perfect roleplay community, I have a script I am currently working on, I will also supply a 24/7 Server, 25 Slots or more.

If anyone is interested in starting an RP Project.
No Catches,
No Costs,
Just to hang out with other people who enjoy exceptional Roleplay.

Script is in development and looking for any Suggestions.
I am mainly focussed on having less commands, and use more dialogs.
In future, I will be adding Interaction Menu, which will work with anything in the server.
For Example:
You are right behind someone, you press Left Shift and it brings up a Dialog.
Within the Dialog you can select Attempt to Rob, Search Person, Put In Pocket, and many more.
If I wanted to Attempt to Rob the person, I would select it and you can only rob someone when they are facing away from you, other whys it will show a message saying Robbing Attempt Failed.

When you Successfully Rob them, you can take 1 Item from them, Anything in their Inventory if they have anything, anything.
Inventory Items are things they have such as Phone, Knife if they have one, Weapon, Money, Wallet, License, Business Card, CreditCard, and much much more.
Or you can just run!

When you Rob them, it puts them in a falling over animation and then they get up.
If you take something such as their phone:
And a messages says like Richy_B has taken The_Victim's phone, and pushed The_Victim over.

If you wanted to put something into their Pocket, you select Put in Pocket, and you can put something in your inventory slowly into their pocket.
Weapons cannot be put into their pockets, things like Knives, Wallets, Phones, and other special items like Spy Microphone, and many other items.

But that is something which I will be working on in the future.

The server that I will script, will try to be as realistic, in the Economy, and some items, also businesses and many other things will resemble real life locations.

I will be working on many skills and jobs, work on a University where you can learn different skills.
There will be more to discover in future, and more things to do.

If anyone is interested,
Let Me Know!

I'm just wondering, is this a GodFather edit?

Yeah, Grim has a good question. Is it?

Well at the moment I was going to start off from Godfather, but I only use it as it has everything I need, and if I start from scratch, I would have to recreate everything that Godfather has anyway.

But building from scratch will give you a better experience overall. If you start with the godfather, you'll be like every other server out there.

I personally don't believe in edited scripts, and never have edited a script and in a way I think it has made me a better scripter. If you are working off something else,
- Sometimes you won't know what half of the stuff does
- Sometimes you won't know where things are and happen at in the script
- Sometimes it is very poorly coded (GodFather)
- Sometimes it is very popular and everyone uses it (GodFather)

Because of those things, it's always better to make a script from scratch. It'll also making you feel better, since you can claim it as your own. Not having to give GodFather credits, and when players see it, run away.

Do you know how to work with mysql and script sql?

I'm assuming by script sql he means SQLite

Originally Posted by Grim_
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But building from scratch will give you a better experience overall. If you start with the godfather, you'll be like every other server out there.

I personally don't believe in edited scripts, and never have edited a script and in a way I think it has made me a better scripter. If you are working off something else,
- Sometimes you won't know what half of the stuff does
- Sometimes you won't know where things are and happen at in the script
- Sometimes it is very poorly coded (GodFather)
- Sometimes it is very popular and everyone uses it (GodFather)

Because of those things, it's always better to make a script from scratch. It'll also making you feel better, since you can claim it as your own. Not having to give GodFather credits, and when players see it, run away.
True, but give the kid props, he has a pretty nice Project Request. If I new how to script role-play I'd help you.

With my script I'm working on now I started from scratch. I use to use other scripts and just edit, thus not learning a thing. But, I agree with you, working on a fresh, brand new script helps your scripting expierence and skill boost 50%(atleast for me). I have learned alot taking scripts and looking how they do it, then I'd script my version of it(just tiny parts). Only thing I use to get the same exact .pwn is filterscripts for admin/stats/your mean guy(which is awesome/ e.t.c e.t.c.

But, anyway some person may like to help this dude, I know I would if I scripted roleplay servers.

Originally Posted by RichyB
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Well at the moment I was going to start off from Godfather, but I only use it as it has everything I need, and if I start from scratch, I would have to recreate everything that Godfather has anyway.
Yes, that's exactly the point of it; re-coding the shitty code GodFather script has.

I've done that and have almost ready-to-go script, but I cba to finish it because suddenly everyone disappeared from our community and I don't think it'll go anywhere. :P

Originally Posted by Finn
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Yes, that's exactly the point of it; re-coding the shitty code GodFather script has.

I've done that and have almost ready-to-go script, but I cba to finish it because suddenly everyone disappeared from our community and I don't think it'll go anywhere. :P
Everyone talks about the godfather, but what in the hell is it? Why is it sooooo important?

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