Filter Scripts Limt? :S

hey my first time posting on these forums to bring a problem, if i install 16 filter scripts they are all ok load fine and everything i add one more and the one that would work wouldnt load then any ideas? :S

Then I'm guessing the limit is 16... Common sense much?

Don't have to be rude hammer, but yes. the limit is 16.

oh ok i just thought it was unlimted :S

Filterscripts are limited because of ressource usage.

For example if you have 16 filterscripts + gamemode, the server would have to check for OnPlayerConnect through all 17 scripts when a player connects.
And this will eat your CPU.

You will not need that much filterscripts if you don't download every single filterscript and load them on your server without the knwoledge how to put more scripts into one.

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