Local server not seen by other player - whereas ports forwarded and all

I got a new PC, since then, my local server isn't accessible for other players.

I have a static IP and forwarded my ports though.

I'm on windows 7, any idea? I did everything I could: I tried to disable antivirus and firewall, even the firewall of my livebox. The problem is that even I do not see my server online when I add its IP, I have to add

Any idea? I'm really fed up with this

Not much I can say to help, it must be somthing on your end, like a router/ISP firewall or perhaps you haven't opened the port properly.

No it's not, it works on my other PC

try to use ure internal ip i think it will not change now.
#5 Is a your local host, no need to port forward, try to put your server on (make sure it says vehicle models loaded: "number" in the console)

Then open the debug menu and type in connect local host, if you want others to see your server, you cant use (except for lan gaming offcourse lol)

Originally Posted by playbox12 Is a your local host, no need to port forward, try to put your server on (make sure it says vehicle models loaded: "number" in the console)

Then open the debug menu and type in connect local host, if you want others to see your server, you cant use (except for lan gaming offcourse lol)
you re-read

Originally Posted by Coicatak
Originally Posted by playbox12 Is a your local host, no need to port forward, try to put your server on (make sure it says vehicle models loaded: "number" in the console)

Then open the debug menu and type in connect local host, if you want others to see your server, you cant use (except for lan gaming offcourse lol)
you re-read
No you try to understand, you say you cant see your local server, this has nothing to do with ports since its INSIDE your network.

Originally Posted by playbox12
Originally Posted by Coicatak
Originally Posted by playbox12 Is a your local host, no need to port forward, try to put your server on (make sure it says vehicle models loaded: "number" in the console)

Then open the debug menu and type in connect local host, if you want others to see your server, you cant use (except for lan gaming offcourse lol)
you re-read
No you try to understand, you say you cant see your local server, this has nothing to do with ports since its INSIDE your network.
@playbox12 - He didn't say it quite as he meant it, from what I read I think he wants other people(outside of his network) to be able to connect to his server, he's tried to forward all his ports but his external IP is not showing his server and he's having to use his server

@Coicatak If your sure you've forwarded all your ports and you have no firewalls enabled and your server is working fine through your local IP then there's not much more I can do to help, there is somthing blocking your ports still and without futher information I think there is little we can do to help.

Hope this helps

Originally Posted by TruServe
Originally Posted by playbox12
Originally Posted by Coicatak
Originally Posted by playbox12 Is a your local host, no need to port forward, try to put your server on (make sure it says vehicle models loaded: "number" in the console)

Then open the debug menu and type in connect local host, if you want others to see your server, you cant use (except for lan gaming offcourse lol)
you re-read
No you try to understand, you say you cant see your local server, this has nothing to do with ports since its INSIDE your network.
@playbox12 - He didn't say it quite as he meant it, from what I read I think he wants other people(outside of his network) to be able to connect to his server, he's tried to forward all his ports but his external IP is not showing his server and he's having to use his server

@Coicatak If your sure you've forwarded all your ports and you have no firewalls enabled and your server is working fine through your local IP then there's not much more I can do to help, there is somthing blocking your ports still and without futher information I think there is little we can do to help.

Hope this helps
I figured that, but I just wanted to annoy him :P.

Ok to help you, when you forward your ports, you most likely have to give a local device, permission to use the forwarded ports, Can you tell us which brand you have (router and or modem)

I wrote "you re-read", I meant "you should re-read", forgot a word sorry.

I'll try to explai better:
I have 2 computers, with the first one, everything works good, so this proves the issue comes from my laptop (computer on which it doesn't work). So, when I'm on my laptop and lunch the server: if I enter in SAMP client it works find. But if I enter my internet IP (from here for example: http://whatismyipaddress.com/) I don't see my server online, whereas it is. So other players don't see it either...

I've tried disabling windows firewall and my antivirus, AVG. It failed...

I'm on windows 7

A screen of my livebox port forwarding:

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