12.05.2010, 05:48
A lot of time ago I discovered a very dangerous bug in a command of almost all RP GameModes...
This bug was in the /createnote command but a lot of italian people (very noobs too, as who said to remove the /createnote command in my gm topic) knew that as a chain...
With the /createnote you can inject a string in the account file of RP GMs, so if for example you do
(The new line character is invisible here, it's not the character that is written when you press Return, it's the new line character and you must copy it for example from an account file with the Block Note)
It writes in the account file
So when the player relogs in he's admin!
To fix this bug you must prevent the use of "=" character in the /createnote bug
Sorry for my English, but I am Italian... Peppe
This bug was in the /createnote command but a lot of italian people (very noobs too, as who said to remove the /createnote command in my gm topic) knew that as a chain...
With the /createnote you can inject a string in the account file of RP GMs, so if for example you do
/createnote None AdminLevel=1338
It writes in the account file
Note1=None AdminLevel=1338
To fix this bug you must prevent the use of "=" character in the /createnote bug

Sorry for my English, but I am Italian... Peppe