Blink on map

Hi Everyone,
I have downloaded The Godfather... But i dont see Blinks on the map ( Where everybody is )
I want to add it but i cant vind anything
So how to add it now?

Please help?

search "SetPlayerColor" inside your script (edit) and make sure that all colors (hex notation i guess) are like 0x______ff or at least 0x______80.
the 80 upto ff are needed as the last 2 characters in any color (set for players chat) for being displayed at the radar blip, its the alpha channel.
if the last 2 chars in the color value are like 00 or only 1f then the color can barely seen at the radar.
it could be that the blips are turned off like this..
ShowPlayerMarkers(0); the OnGameModeInit().
atm i cant recall more blip-relevant initialisation commands.. check those out first and tell us what u found ^^

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