2 Skin Selections

Hello Guys
I would like to know if its possible to have like 2 skin selections
My server is currently TDM and i think its very nice
But i want to make it multi mod
So is it possible to have two skin selections
Like 1 is for TDM and another for STUNT
Or theres an another way of doing this?

Well..i thought of making something like that to and eventually i ended up with a dialog under onplayerspawn..the dialog pops up asking you to choose the gametype.
In this case you can use both skins in both games

Well if you dont have a problem with it could you give me the code of your dialog?
If not sorry for asking.

Anyone? Sorry for DP but i really need this

Bump :O

Its better to learn making a dialog yourself. It isnt that hard try it out with samp wiki

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