Need Server help!

I need some help. I went to test my server and i started up Server.EXE. Then it says:
[20:55:53] Script[gamemodes/DRRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

I fixed it before but i do not remember how i did it. Please help me

Do you use any plugins?

Yes i got the whirlpool plugin and the streamer plugin

Originally Posted by BrokenBlades1992
Yes i got the whirlpool plugin and the streamer plugin
Actually i put both plugins in and then i forgot to update the server.cfg. So i have never had that ection in there. Thanks for the reply though.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3a R5, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[23:05:05] Server Plugins
[23:05:05] --------------
[23:05:05] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[23:05:05] Failed.
[23:05:05] Loading plugin: whirlpool.dll
[23:05:05] ==================
[23:05:05] Whirlpool loaded
[23:05:05] ==================
[23:05:05] Loaded.
[23:05:05] Loaded 1 plugins.

For some reason, his streamer plugin will not load. He has tried different versions of it and still no go.

Try use a fresh install of R7, see what happens.

Ok am i suppose to install the fresh copy or the server hoster suppose to install the fresh copy?

Your server plugins may be the problem later on, but right now, that error is stating that it cannot read your GameMode's .amx file. Make sure it is compiled and readable! This should solve your GM problem. Good luck!

Ok we got a fresh install and i re uploaded all gm files. But now it`s still saying Mode Unknown. Any ideas?

He said that it all works on his PC, but when he puts it on the server, it throws this at him.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3a R7, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[00:53:37] Server Plugins
[00:53:37] --------------
[00:53:37] Loading plugin: streamer
[00:53:37] Failed.
[00:53:37] Loading plugin: whirlpool
[00:53:37] ==================
[00:53:37] Whirlpool loaded
[00:53:37] ==================
[00:53:37] Loaded.
[00:53:37] Loaded 1 plugins.

[00:53:37] Filter Scripts
[00:53:37] ---------------
[00:53:37] Loading filter script 'Announcements.amx'...
[00:53:37] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[00:53:37] | .:[ - Announcement Messages FilterScript By Anothony_Lloyd - ]:. |
[00:53:37] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[00:53:37] Loading filter script 'Firework.amx'...
[00:53:37] Loading filter script 'F_SpeedoMeter.amx'...
[00:53:37] Loaded 3 filter scripts.

[00:53:37] Script[gamemodes/DRRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:53:37] Number of vehicle models: 0

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