[HELP]How to create a radio chat for org's

Well, 1є I wanna apolegise because of my bad english (I'm Portuguese).

2є I wanna know how can I create a radio (/r) for police and others org's.

I alredy search, but I don't find any thing than I understand.

PS: This is my fisht topic in English area, cause in Portuguese area no one awser me.


You could set up as gTeams, then use like the admin chat. (Just an idea, don't know if it will work)

Sorry for my ignorance, but I'm new in pawn, I down undertand nothin about sting, gTeam, Leader, etc... If, after solve that, any one can theath me about that (pawn, sting and other things.).

There is my MSN: andrezito__1@hotmail.com (2 underline)

no one help me??

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