14.03.2010, 03:56
Hey guys/ I've made a drug system. But My timer doesnt works on it
I want that you get the drugs after the 60 secs
And if the timer is started you can't do /drugsmission till the timer stops
How? XD
Please help
this is the script
I want that you get the drugs after the 60 secs
And if the timer is started you can't do /drugsmission till the timer stops
How? XD
Please help
this is the script
if(strcmp(cmd, "/drugsmission", true) == 0) if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, -572.7808,-1498.3749,9.5741)) { SetTimer("drug",60000,true); PlayerInfo[playerid][Drugs]++; SetTimer("drug",60000,false); return 1; }