Need some big help with OnPlayerDeath

Ok, well i'm hosting this zombie swarm server, and its when the zombified, or survivor dies, or suicides, they re-spawn again, meaning they can suicide to avoid being zomified, I added this

gTeam[playerid] = SPECTATOR;
What that means is when he dies, put him in spectator mode, but when its 1 V 1, and someone suicides, the game just keeps going until someone wins, as in its 0 V 1.

I'm not sure if it does it with more people, or just a 1 V 1, but I really need this fixed, what should I add? How can I add that if someone suicides it counts them as dead, reply back please.

You could add
pawn Код:
gTeam[playerid] = SPECTATOR;
to your suicide command.

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