object problem

Hey guys. I have a pew objects in my server
CreateObject(2910, 1578.4888916016, -1094.6950683594, 180.09941101074, 0, 0, 268.82653808594);
	CreateObject(2910, 1739.6021728516, -1118.5042724609, 180.12452697754, 0, 29.497955322266, 251.22857666016);
	CreateObject(2910, 1813.7750244141, -1149.130859375, 177.40635681152, 0, 29.492797851563, 218.10192871094);
	CreateObject(2910, 1920.0819091797, -1257.7894287109, 191.29679870605, 9.8326416015625, 29.492797851563, 229.57214355469);
	CreateObject(4585, 2515.5002441406, -2054.0830078125, 120.04026794434, 0, 0, 0);
	CreateObject(7500, 2583.1618652344, -2053.2048339844, 220.1633605957, 0, 0, 0);
	CreateObject(13593, 2634.14453125, -2053.103515625, 220.62496948242, 0, 0, 268.82653808594);
	CreateObject(13593, 2634.1330566406, -2050.2897949219, 220.62496948242, 0, 0, 268.82446289063);
	CreateObject(13593, 2634.1728515625, -2055.8815917969, 220.62496948242, 0, 0, 268.82446289063);
	CreateObject(2780, 2637.7138671875, -2052.8269042969, 217.94772338867, 0, 0, 0);
	CreateObject(2780, 2647.6110839844, -2055.7141113281, 218.13659667969, 0, 0, 0);
	CreateObject(2910, 2756.9438476563, -2052.9733886719, 211.37785339355, 0, 0, 270.37121582031);
	CreateObject(10828, 2825.1630859375, -2042.7542724609, 223.59317016602, 0, 0, 2.8470153808594);
	CreateObject(10828, 2825.6325683594, -2062.2253417969, 223.76504516602, 0, 0, 0.7762451171875);
	CreateObject(10828, 2838.6213378906, -2034.0640869141, 222.33201599121, 0, 0, 269.60241699219);
	CreateObject(10828, 2838.4145507813, -2070.9382324219, 222.70092773438, 0, 0, 269.59899902344);
	CreateObject(1491, 2837.5158691406, -2051.7067871094, 211.29191589355, 0, 0, 269.37658691406);
	CreateObject(10828, 2838.7084960938, -2053.294921875, 226.0591583252, 0, 0, 269.59899902344);
	CreateObject(10828, 2792.9477539063, -2062.5908203125, 223.59317016602, 0, 0, 0.7745361328125);
	CreateObject(10828, 2790.2209472656, -2043.9938964844, 223.61225891113, 0, 0, 1.206787109375);
	CreateObject(10828, 2775.4050292969, -2028.1400146484, 223.76504516602, 0, 0, 271.23779296875);
	CreateObject(10828, 2776.94140625, -2078.7810058594, 223.76504516602, 0, 0, 271.23596191406);
	CreateObject(1491, 2839.4912109375, -2051.7233886719, 211.29191589355, 0, 0, 269.37377929688);
	CreateObject(17613, 1996.6292724609, -1329.9000244141, 200.12184143066, 0, 0, 310.92028808594);
Don't think I need an streamer for that.
But when I go into the game see objects but I'm missing one. When I stand on it with a vehicle It is like I flying in the air.
But then when I step out I see the object


Yeah, it's a sa-mp bug pretty much. Not much can be done about it unless you eject the player from their vehicle when they tele there =].

ye u cant nothing do about this
its normal
just get of ur bike and go back on

ah alriht. But it looks dumb xD

Originally Posted by bartje01
ah alriht. But it looks dumb xD
ye and sometimes a bit annoying

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