Server Crash 0.3c


SA-MP Server: 0.3c RC3

Exception At Address: 0x004A2ACB


EAX: 0x0012E67C	EBX: 0x01581B70	ECX: 0x00000000	EDX: 0x00405910

ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x011FF430	EBP: 0x0012E68C	ESP: 0x0012E664

EFLAGS: 0x00010286


+0000: 0x011FF430   0x011FF430   0x01581B70   0xFFFFFFFF

+0010: 0x0012E664   0x0012E288   0x0012F1D0   0x004A6914

+0020: 0x004C1240   0xFFFFFFFF   0x015832C0   0x0040591D

+0030: 0x00000000   0x00401096   0x011FF430   0x0168B35C

+0040: 0x01653530   0x00402BB3   0x011FF430   0x0000000D

+0050: 0x0012E6CC   0x0168B35C   0x0012EB64   0x00000000

+0060: 0x0168BB98   0x011FF430   0x00000000   0x00037E28

+0070: 0x00037E2C   0x0003865C   0x000346A0   0x00037E38

+0080: 0x000346A0   0x01581B70   0x01653530   0x00000000

+0090: 0x01580020   0x000D19C0   0x0048763E   0x011FF430

+00A0: 0x0012EB54   0x00000006   0x00480069   0x65747449

+00B0: 0x6E4F5F72   0x79616C50   0x6F437265   0x63656E6E

+00C0: 0x00480074   0x011FF430   0x01653530   0x00000001

+00D0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+00E0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+00F0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+0100: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+0110: 0x000000B7   0x00A62478   0x00000000   0x00000000

+0120: 0x011FF430   0x00A62478   0x01581B70   0x7C910041

+0130: 0x0012E7DC   0x00A62478   0x01643FB4   0x00000000
What kind of problems could be crash?

It looks fairly complicated. It actually crashes because fclose() is used on a file that isn't open. The problem actually originates in a plugin - most likely as the plugin is loading itself.

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