[ROLEPLAY] HELP with 2lines text chat![ PICTURE INCLUDED ]

[img width=488 height=768]http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp130/Kyrolos_01/this.jpg[/img]

For roleplay server based on LA-RP Script!

This is what I exacly mean, when I say something into normal chat or /low chat It gets into TWO lines, but do NOT make the lines to LONG.
Just two short lines like this one, can anybody PLEASE explain me exacly how to do this?

It's needed,

Also, if you can, that when someone mades a text and presses enter, the comes up a animation but he still could walk while animation is going on, Also to make sure, the animation is based on the length of the text! PLEASE HELP!

I would really really appreciate it, you can also deserve a admin position into my server whenever it's up this is the ONLY problem I got, it's hosted on 24/7 serverffs with 100 slots!


Why do I need something about walkie talkie? I ain't REQUESTING a script, I'm requesting some HELP, if someone could tell me how and explain it to me, it WILL be inplented into the script byme for sure.

CAN ANYBODY help me please, please do me a damn favour PLEASE!

Shut up faggot. Only nubs offer people admin to just get them in their server.


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