How could I do a vehicle system

How could I do a vehicle system I know how to get the vehicleid, but if I save in a text document, I cannot pull it back up, like even if I had say car id 1, the server shuts down, I can open the CAR text document that has like for example, car color, model id, ...
But when I create the car it will have a new id

Yes the id will always be new, its when you create it it gets assigned.

What are you saving them for?
If its just so your server always spawns the same cars, then you can just put them in your script.
if they are saved for a player, then save them with the players name.

What u mean by save with players name

You need to explain more about how and why your saving the vehicles.
If you always want the server to have the same vehicles just use addstaticvehicle in ongamemodeinit.

If its cause you want players to be able to save vehicles, then just add their name to the line that you save them with, so that the player can spawn the vehicle when they want to.

If you are having issues you can always just download one of the already existing vehicle scripts.

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