[FilterScript] [FS]AFK/BRB

Hello, this is my AFK/BRB script.
It's a very simple script, I know.
The commands are;
/brb, You will be freezed until you are back.
/afk, You will be freezed until you are back.
/back, You will be unfreezed if you are /afk or /brb.
/afklist, You will see who is AFK or BRB.
It wil also create [AFK] or [BRB] for your name.
Example; You're name is Henk, do /afk and you'r name will be [AFK]Henk, until you do /back.
Also if you are not AFK you can't do /back and otherwise, so you can't spam with it.

Download Link;

Nice one

Would be better if it sets your name to
ex. Niixie_AFK
or something.
[AFK] looks stupid
try to make an advanced one, theres tons of afk/back scripts

this is not good for a script with a log in system, it saves it on the player name but if the name is changed then it will save it on the new name, of course this only happens when ur logging off when ur afk.

anywayz its still nice made. good job

Or if you have a register system you could add yourself, if he does that command IsPlayerLogged changes to 0 and saves his stats, then when he do /back IsPlayerLogged changes to 1 again and loads his stats?
i dont see the hard part?

Very nice!

I made that if you disconect from the server you'r name will be set back to normal.
PS: I didn't test that, I'm not sure if it works

And thanks all

Originally Posted by Niixie
Would be better if it sets your name to
ex. Niixie_AFK
or something.
[AFK] looks stupid
try to make an advanced one, theres tons of afk/back scripts
And in servers with Firstname_Lastname would it look stupid==>Gino_Corleono_AFK 0_o
I also made a /afklist command, the most afkscripts don't have that.

And this is my second release, so don't complain XD

Fixed the bug at the /afklist.
Download again for the last version

Not Bad

Thank you

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