SAMP Crashes After Loaded

When the game is loaded and you view the first screen, it says something like "SAMP 0.3a Started" and then crashes after a second or two.

) SAMP 0.3a

) Windows XP Home Edition SP3

) Onboard Graphics (64MB) - (just enough for San Andreas)

) Happens on any/all servers.

) San Andreas works on 800x600 with 32bit colour.

) Mods are not installed.

Only the Windows Error report window shows.

Still need help

I've managed to get a report, though The only thing I nearly understand is SCM Op.

Exception At Address: 0x0040825D

EAX: 0x009654F0	EBX: 0x00AB0A34	ECX: 0x009654F0	EDX: 0x009654FC
ESI: 0x03F2DCBC	EDI: 0x00AB0A34	EBP: 0x00000000	ESP: 0x0022FBA8
EFLAGS: 0x00210216

+0000: 0x00200216  0x021178E0  0x00409670  0x0022FBBC
+0010: 0x00533E99  0x021178E0  0x0022FC28  0x021178E0
+0020: 0x0055409D  0x00AB0A34  0x021178E0  0x00000000
+0030: 0x0055480F  0x4212AAAB  0x44004DA5  0x42CE8FDD
+0040: 0x02117801  0x0022FC98  0x00000001  0x02087F00
+0050: 0x021178E0  0x42CE8FDD  0x44811600  0xC501AD20
+0060: 0x417B0000  0x00554BFD  0x02117801  0x0022FC28
+0070: 0x00000014  0x0022FC94  0x00000001  0x0072D10B
+0080: 0x42CE8FDD  0x00000004  0xC31D8BF3  0xC3520FF0
+0090: 0x02485060  0x00000014  0x0000000F  0x3F2CF416
+00A0: 0xBEB7129A  0x4179193E  0x00000005  0x41A33482
+00B0: 0x00000004  0x00000003  0x00000002  0x00000009
+00C0: 0x00000014  0x00000001  0x417BC4CA  0x409452B6
+00D0: 0x41A3B852  0x409A3D72  0x4196F8B2  0x41146D82
+00E0: 0x4194B35E  0x41177EFE  0x41773A23  0x409A75B0
+00F0: 0x43960000  0x00555669  0x0022FD9C  0x00000005
+0100: 0x00554B10  0x0022FD9C  0x00000005  0x00554840
+0110: 0x0022FD00  0x0022FD00  0x0000000D  0x02485060
+0120: 0x0000001A  0x03F4E6F8  0x7E42DEB2  0x00000000
+0130: 0x3AA3D70A  0x43520FF0  0xC31D8BF3  0x43960000

SCM Op: 0x160, lDbg: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0

Can u run the Singleplayer?

Yeah, I mentioned that in first post

reinstall the client!!

I tried reinstalling San Andreas and SAMP.. no success

In fact... Now it seems to crash sooner than it did before

EDIT: Just tried again and this time it loaded into Single Player... wtf is going on? (it's in the right folder and I have 1.0 US)

EDIT2: And again, but this time a Windows error report came up along with the single player, stating samp.dll was the problem.

Even samp_debug loads single player now. It's installed in the San Andreas directory.


1.Delete all ur gta files unistall the game and the client!!
2.restart ur computer!
3.have u downloaded the game from the internet?

Do that then other steps!!

Yay!!! Fixed it via crack :P (it's legal, morons). Still dunno why mine didn't work. I'm pretty sure it was 1.0 US and everything... I realise now that when it didn't work, it didn't show any loading bar or load anything. It just went onto SP. Now it loads fine. I'm quite confused but, hey... It works!

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