Auto team balance script.

Hi there!

Iґm about to create a team-balance-script. So new players cannot take a team which is more full then the others. Iґm done so far, but the last part is tricky.

When using OnPlayerRequestSpawn - how can I find out the team which the player wants to join?

by the skinid

Maybe I've not understood your question but to me the balancer does the work for you, you only get to select a team if they're not already balanced. You do the math on team counts then if they are not balanced use SetSpawnInfo & SpawnPlayer to skip class selection and set the player on the lower team, if they are balanced then you allow the class selection to happen.

Take a look at my post here, where I say "force" I mean SetSpawnInfo & SpawnPlayer, the code would go in OnPlayerRequestClass (class would be like team in the examples case). The random code is just there for an example, you could/would again allow them to pick the class instead of doing it for them unless you wanted it to be random obviously.

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